include '../config.php'; $turl = "Vocabulary-Game-2"; $HeadT = "Vocabulary Game 2"; $HeadD = "Write a word that starts and ends with given letters. Vocabulary based word games to build English language skills." ; include '../header.php' ; $correct_ans=$_POST['correct_ans']; $wrong_ans=$_POST['wrong_ans']; if (isset($_POST['c_my'])) { $c_my = trim($_POST['c_my']); } if (isset($_POST['word'])) { $word1 = $_POST['word']; } if ($c_my != '') { if ( strtoupper($c_my) == strtoupper($word1) ) { $my_ans = 'Correct'; $correct_ans = $correct_ans +1; } else { $my_ans = 'Wrong'; $wrong_ans = $wrong_ans +1; } } //select word $rNum = mt_rand(3,6); $s_cico=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ce_dictionary where length(word) = ".$rNum." order by rand() limit 1",$link); $s_cico1=mysql_fetch_array($s_cico); $word =$s_cico1['word']; $end_cc = strtoupper(substr($word, -1)); $start_cc = strtoupper(substr($word, 0,1)); $len_cc = strlen($word); $wpad = str_pad($wor1, $rNum-2 , "-"); $word_cc = $start_cc .' '. $wpad .' '. strtolower($end_cc); $sten_img_url = '../appimg/Vocabulary-Game-2/'. $word .'.jpg'; if (@getimagesize( $sten_img_url ) == false ) { include '../appimg/imgsten21.php'; } ?> if ($c_my != '') { ?>