snotty; clabbered, curdled, lumpy, inspissate; gloppy, Inf. gooey, Sl. icky, Sl. yecchy, Sl. ishy. visibility, n. perceptibility, perceivability, seeabil-ity, discernibleness, visibleness, observability; plainness, distinctness, definiteness, clearness, clarity, visible, adj. 1. perceptible, perceivable, discernible,
seeable, visual.
2. apparent, evident, self-evident, palpable; noticeable, observable, recognizable; manifest, clear, clear-cut, crystal-clear, open, plain, plain as day; obvious, patent, unmistakable; unhidden, unconcealed, undisguised.
3. conspicuous, salient, prominent, in high relief, Inf plain as the nose on one's face; distinct, well-defined, in sight, in full view, before one's eyes, under one's nose; glaring, Inf. sticking or hanging out. vision, n. 1. sight, eyesight; perception, perspicacity, penetration, discernment, insight.
2. dream, Sl. trip, chimera, figment, figment of the imagination, illusion, delusion; mirage, hallucination, Fata Morgana, optical illusion, trick of the eyesight.
3. apparition, materialization, specter, shade, shadow, spirit, soul, revenant, wraith, eidolon, phantom, phantasm, phantasma; ghost, (in Irish Folklore) banshee, Inf. spook; nightmare, incubus, succubus.
4. conception, conceptualization, visualization, envisioning, objectification; anticipation, expectation; mental image, mental picture. visionary, adj. 1. impractical, unrealistic, unworkable, unfeasible, theoretical, academic, impracticable; utopian, idealistic, romantic, quixotic, starry-eyed, dewy-eyed; pie-in-the-sky, wish-fulfilling.
2. unreal, imaginary, imagined, illusory, delusory, phantasmagoric, phantasmagorial; chimerical, fanciful, fancied, figmental, figmentary; phantasmal, spiritual, spectral, apparitional, ghostly, wraithlike.
-n. 3. mystic; seer, prophet.
4. dreamer, daydreamer, woolgatherer, castle-builder, fantast, Obs. fantastico; idealist, romantic, romanticist, Don Quixote; escapist, wishful thinker; enthusiast, zealot. visit, v. 1. call on or upon, look in on, look [s.o.] up, see; come around, come by, stop in or by, Inf. pop in.
2. come or go to, attend, Sl. make the scene; appear, turn up, show up, make or put in an appearance, show one's face.
3. take in, Inf. do, Inf catch.
4. afflict, assail, attack, smite, come upon, fall or descend upon; scourge, agonize, harrow, torture; (all usu. in reference to punishment) inflict, wreak, bring down upon.
5. converse, talk, chat, chitchat, confabulate, Inf confab, coze, pass the time of day, while away the time, Brit. Dial, tell, Sl. rap, Sl. chin, Sl. chew the fat or rag, Sl. shoot the breeze or bull, Sl. bull; talk or speak with, have a talk or little talk with, commune or communicate with.
-n. 6. call, social call; stay, sojourn, stop, stopover, stop-off; conversation, talk, colloquy, chat, chitchat, little talk, Sl. rap, Sl. rap session, visitation, n. 1. (all usu. unpleasant) event, occurrence, happening, incident, episode, occasion, turn of events; experience, Sl. bad trip, Sl. bummer.
2. affliction, infliction, bane, blight, curse, scourge, plague, pestilence; shock, blow, heavy or nasty or staggering blow, buffet, stroke, stroke of ill luck or fortune; disaster, tragedy, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm.
3. (all of a supernatural being) appearance, materialization, incarnation, Spiritualism, manifestation; coming, arrival.