
Word Search :

1.being ahead of time or need
2.situated ahead or going before advance n.
1.a movement forward
2.a change for the better
3.a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
4.the act of moving forward toward a goal
5.an amount paid before it is earned
6.increase in price or value advance v.
1.move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
2.bring forward for consideration or acceptance
3.increase or raise
4.contribute to the progress or growth of
5.cause to move forward
6.obtain advantages, such as points, etc.
7.develop in a positive way
8.develop further
9.give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
10.pay in advance
11.move forward
12.rise in rate or price

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Word of the Day

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  • adust
  • adumbrative
  • adumbration
  • adumbrate
  • adulthood
  • adulterously
  • adulterous
  • adulterine
  • adulteress
  • adulterer
  • advance death benefit
  • advanced
  • advanced research and development activity
  • advancement
  • advancer
  • advancing
  • advantage
  • advantaged
  • advantageous
  • advantageously
  • stone age
  • predecease
  • democritus
  • os frontale
  • cartographic
  • photosensitivity
  • quango
  • brain disease
  • sirenian mammal
  • cyphomandra

  • Idiom of the Day

    call a spade a spade
    to speak bluntly
    The supervisor called a spade a spade when he criticized the employee for being lazy.

    Pick the correct Antonym:

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