Now you Know

8467. Fact
Over 30% of women discover their HIV status after their husbands are diagnosed.

8673. Fact
In a year, about 90 million jars of Skippy Peanut Butter are sold. This works out to three jars sold every second

190. Fact
It is energy-efficient to turn off a fluorescent light only if it will not be used again within an hour or more. This is because of the high voltage needed to turn it on, and the shortened life this high voltage causes.

2103. Fact
'Party Party Day' is occurs when the day equals the month. Oct. is the 10th month so Oct. 10 would be Party Party Day

4760. Fact
In Thailand, the left hand is considered unclean, so you should not eat with it. Also, pointing with one finger is considered rude and is only done when pointing to objects or animals, never humans.

9946. Fact
The venom of a female black widow spider is more potent than that of a rattlesnake.

10530. Fact
7-Eleven was the first convenience store to have television advertising. The animated commercial ran in 1949 and had a singing rooster and owl

7514. Fact
Redheads require more anesthesia to 'go under'than other hair colors do.

4467. Bharat Ratna
Bharat Ratna : sir sarvepalli radhakrishnan
second president, first vice president, philosopher.
Year : 1954
Region : tamil nadu.

4979. Fact
A strand of spider web may be stronger than an equal diameter of steel.

3170. Fact
Work on St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, began in 1506. Construction took over a century, reaching completion in 1612.

15373. Vitamin
Vitamin : b5 (pantothen acid)
Occurrence : liver, vegetable, wheat germs, asparagus, crabs, meat, sunflower cores, pumpernickel
Lack : nerve malfunctions, bad healing of wounds, early turning grey, weakened immune system
Daily need : approx. 10 mg.

5273. Fact
A baby octopus is about the size of a flea at birth.

2785. Fact
Zarf is the holder of a handleless coffee cup

15289. Unit
Unit : ounce fluid (floz)
Formula : gal/4/32
in si : 2.96E-05
si unit : m3
in cgs : 29.5734
cgs unit : cm3
Category : volume.

3077. Fact
The name of the first airplane flown at Kitty Hawk by the Wright Brothers, on December 17, 1903, was Bird of Prey.

3114. Fact
Singer Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina State anthem

8588. Fact
The first Computer was ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, unveiled on February 14, 1946 (Thanks D.B. of AU)

7871. Fact
Antarctica has only one ATM machine.

12486. Food Facts
Birds nest soup is a delicacy in China. It's made from the nests of a special variety of swift that builds its nest from dried strands of its own spit.The nest is soaked in water to soften it, then any sticks and feathers are removed before it is made into a gluey, sticky soup.


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If you could scrunch together all the bacteria living on the outside of your body, they would take up about the same amount of space as one pea.      .. More >>
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