Now you Know

15087. Terminology
Terminology :
optics : the study of nature and properties of light.

15088. Terminology
Terminology :
ornithology : the study of birds.

15089. Terminology
Terminology :
orthoepy : the study of correct pronunciation.

15090. Terminology
Terminology :
orthopedics : the science of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of musculoskeletal systems.

15091. Terminology
Terminology :
osteology : the study of the bones.

15092. Terminology
Terminology :
osteopathology : any disease of bones.

15093. Terminology
Terminology :
osteopathy : a therapeutic system based upon detecting and correcting faulty structure.

15094. Terminology
Terminology :
paleobotany : the study of fossil plants.

15095. Terminology
Terminology :
paleontology : the study of fossils.

15096. Terminology
Terminology :
palynology : the pollen analysis.

15097. Terminology
Terminology :
pathology : the study of diseases.

15098. Terminology
Terminology :
pedagogy : the art or method of teaching.

15099. Terminology
Terminology :
pharyngology : the science of the pharynx and its diseases.

15100. Terminology
Terminology :
phenology : the study of periodicity phenomena of plants.

15101. Terminology
Terminology :
philately : the collection and study of postage stamps, revenue stamps, etc.

15102. Terminology
Terminology :
philology : the study of written records, their authenticity, etc.

15103. Terminology
Terminology :
phonetics : the study of speech sounds and the production, transmission, reception, etc.

15104. Terminology
Terminology :
photobiology : the branch of biology dealing with the effect of light on organisms.

15105. Terminology
Terminology :
phenology : the study of the faculties and qualities of minds from the shape of the skull.

15106. Terminology
Terminology :
phthisiology : the scientific study of tuberculosis.


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