Now you Know

4873. Fact
In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting advertising space on his cows.

4874. Fact
The sun is approximately 149 million kilometres from the earth

4875. Fact
Organized crime is estimated to account for 10% of the United States'national income.

4876. Fact
The average porcupine has more than 30,000 quills.

4877. Fact
All the chemicals in a human body combined are worth about 6.25 euro (if sold separately).

4878. Fact
In 1925, the 1st motel, the Motel Inn, opened in San Luis Obispo, California.

4879. Fact
Tug of War was an Olympic event between 1900 and 1920

4880. Fact
The word tulip comes from the Turkish word for turban

4881. Fact
Bananas were discovered by Alexander the Great in 327 B.C. when he conquered India

4882. Fact
The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.

4883. Fact
About 80% of the city was burned in the Great Fire of London in 1666.

4884. Fact
Smokers are likely to die on average six and a half years earlier than non-smokers.

4885. Fact
There are are roughly 100 million single adults living in the USA

4886. Fact
It is now possible to print human skin with an inkjet printer.

4887. Fact
The only one of his sculptures that Michelangelo signed was the The Pieta, completed in 1500.

4888. Fact
The real name of Toto the dog in The Wizard Of Oz was Terry

4889. Fact
Check your map. The Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal is farther East than the Atlantic entrance.

4890. Fact
Abraham Lincoln had to go across the street to the War Department to get news from the battlefield because there was no telegraph in the White House.

4891. Fact
A poll of 3,000 Americans found that for 41 percent, the thing they're most afraid of is speaking before a group of people. 32 percent stated they were afraid of heights.

4892. Fact
The world's largest art gallery is the Winter Palace and the Hermitage in Leningrad. Visitors walk fifteen miles to visit each of the 322 galleries, which house nearly 3 million works of art and archaeological remains.


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