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12575. Food Facts
A stew eaten at a funeral in Stone-Age Wales was made from shellfish, eels, mice, frogs, toads, shrews and snakes.

12576. Food Facts
An eighteenth-century recipe for making an enormous egg suggests sewing 20 egg yolks into an animal bladder, then dropping it into another animal bladder filled with 20 egg whites and boiling it all together.

12577. Food Facts
In Sardinia, cheese is left in the sun for flies to lay their egg in.When the maggots hatch, the swarming mass is spread on bread and eaten.

12578. Food Facts
In 1971, a man found the head of a mouse in a bar of chocolate.

12579. Food Facts
Condemned prisoners are traditionally allowed a delicious last meal. In some US states, it's not actually their last meal, but is served a day or two before the execution and is called a ‘special meal'.

12580. Food Facts
Odd crisp flavours available around the world include octopus, seaweed, banana, and sour cream and squid.

12581. Food Facts
During the Second World War, people in the UK were urged by the government to make the most of wild foods, and were given recipes for cooking roast squirrel, rook casserole, stewed starlings and baked sparrows.

12582. Food Facts
The Insect Club, a restaurant in the USA, serves only dishes made with insects. The menu includes cricket pizza, insect chocolates and ‘insects in a blanket' – crickets, mealworms and blue cheese in puff pastry.

12583. Food Facts
Roman banquets often featured hummingbirds cooked in walnut shells and roasted stuffed dormice, sometimes rolled in honey and poppy seeds. The Romans even had farms producing dormice because they were so popular.

12584. Food Facts
In Slovenia, people still raise and fatten dormice, ready to stew.

12585. Food Facts
In Nepal,Tibet and parts of China, black tea is served with yak butter – butter made from yak milk.

12586. Food Facts
Tradition tells that the French cheese Roquefort was discovered when a shepherd abandoned his lunch in a cave to chase a pretty girl he saw outside.When he came back months later the cheese had gone mouldy but still tasted good.

12587. Food Facts
Durian is a fruit the size of a football, covered in spikes, that smells like rotting meat. It's supposed to taste good, though!

12588. Food Facts
During the First World War, Germany suffered such food shortages that people ate dogs and horses, and even the kangaroos from the zoos!

12589. Food Facts
In Madagascar, people make a stew from tomatoes and zebras.

12590. Food Facts
Raake orret is eaten in Norway. Trout caught in a fresh water stream are stored in salted water with a little sugar and kept in a cool place, such as the garage, for months before eating.

12591. Food Facts
Ambuyat, eaten in Brunei, is made from pulp from the sago palm, stewed in water for several hours.The same mixture is made to stick the roof on a house! Also in Brunei, the sago worm which lives inside rotting sago palms is often cooked and eaten.

12592. Food Facts
In Northern Australia, children often eat green ants. Pick them up, squish the head so they don't nibble you, and bite off the body.

12593. Food Facts
P'tcha is an east European Jewish food made by stewing calves' feet until they turn to jelly.

12594. Food Facts
Cinemas in Colombia serve paper cones filled with giant fried or toasted ants.


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