Now you Know

13537. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1954
Name : max born
Country : great britain.
Name : walter bothe
Country : germany.

13538. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1955
Name : polykarp kusch
Country : united states.
Name : willis e. lamb
Country : united states.

13539. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1956
Name : john bardeen
Country : united states.
Name : walter h. brattain
Country : united states.
Name : william shockley
Country : united states.

13540. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1957
Name : tsung-dao lee
Country : united states.
Name : chen ning yang
Country : united states.

13541. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1958
Name : pavel cherenkov
Country : soviet union.
Name : ilya frank
Country : soviet union.
Name : igor y. tamm
Country : soviet union.

13542. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1959
Name : owen chamberlain
Country : united states.
Name : emilio g. segree
Country : united states.

13543. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1960
Name : donald a. glaser
Country : united states.

13544. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1961
Name : robert hofstadter
Country : united states.
Name : rudolf l. mossbauer
Country : germany.

13545. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1962
Name : lev d. landau
Country : soviet union.

13546. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1963
Name : maria goeppert-mayer
Country : united states.
Name : eugene p. wigner
Country : united states.
Name : j. hans d. jensen
Country : germany.

13547. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1964
Name : nikolai g. basov
Country : soviet union.
Name : aleksander m. prochorov
Country : soviet union.
Name : charles h. townes
Country : united states.

13548. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1965
Name : richard p. feynman
Country : united states.
Name : julian s. schwinger
Country : united states.
Name : shinichiro tomonaga
Country : japan.

13549. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1966
Name : alfred kastler
Country : france.

13550. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1967
Name : hans a. bethe
Country : united states.

13551. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1968
Name : luis w. alvarez
Country : united states.

13552. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1969
Name : murray gell-mann
Country : united states.

13553. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1970
Name : louis neel
Country : france.
Name : hannes alfven
Country : sweden.

13554. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1971
Name : dennis gabor
Country : great britain.

13555. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1972
Name : john bardeen
Country : united states.
Name : leon n. cooper
Country : united states.
Name : john r. schrieffer
Country : united states.

13556. Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physics
Year : 1973
Name : ivar giaever
Country : united states.
Name : leo esaki
Country : japan.
Name : brian d. josephson
Country : great britain.


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