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12717. History Facts
The first person to be found guilty of a crime on the basis of finger print evidence was an Argentinian woman who murdered her children in 1892. Her fingerprints were found in blood on a door frame.

12718. History Facts
In Ancient Babylon, a doctor who accidentally killed a patient had his hands cut off.

12719. History Facts
A punishment for an English woman who nagged her husband or gossiped too much was to wear a metal cage over her head called a ‘scold's bridle'. It had a spiked plate inside her mouth that would cut her tongue if she moved it to speak.

12720. History Facts
Inca women washed their hair in week-old urine, braided it, and then used more old urine to keep it in place.

12721. History Facts
The Chinchorro people of Chile mummified their dead 8,000 years ago.They cut off the arms and legs, removed and smoked the skin, strapped sticks to the bones and replaced all the soft parts with grass and ashes, then put the whole body back together and painted it.

12722. History Facts
During excavations at a circle of standing stones in Avebury, England, in 1938, archaeologists found the body of a man who had been crushed under a falling stone in the 1320s when villagers tried to bury the stones.

12723. History Facts
Over 100,000 people have been tried for witchcraft in Europe since 1100, most of them tortured and eventually executed.

12724. History Facts
It is reported that during Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 some soldiers cut open dead horses and sheltered inside them to avoid freezing to death.

12725. History Facts
Some Stone-Age people believed the spirit could only escape when the flesh had gone from the body, so they left corpses to rot or be eaten by wild animals, or hacked off the flesh, before burying them.

12726. History Facts
As well as people, the ancient Egyptians mummified all kinds of animals including cats, crocodiles, birds – even fish and dung beetles.

12727. History Facts
At the Aztec festival celebrating Xipe Totec – the Aztec god of spring – prisoners of war were flayed alive.Their skins were then worn ceremonially by priests to represent the renewal of earth and the start of new life in spring.

12728. History Facts
People of the North American Sioux tribe used to make an amulet of their own, dried umbilical cord – the cord which connects the unborn baby to its mother's body – which they thought guaranteed a long life.

12729. History Facts
A 1,000-year-old grave in England was found to contain a rich woman in a coffin beneath a poor woman pinned down by a big stone. She was probably a slave, buried alive to serve the rich woman after death.

12730. History Facts
In the 1700s, the penalty for wearing tartan or playing the bagpipes in Britain was death.

12731. History Facts
The ancient Britons used to practise euthanasia by jumping off cliffs to their deaths. If individuals were too elderly to jump they would be pushed!

12732. History Facts
Anglo-Saxon parents were allowed to sell children up to the age of seven to be slaves ‘if they needed to do so'.

12733. History Facts
A lhasa apso dog was once imprisoned and kept on death row in a prison in Washington, USA, for over eight years for biting.

12734. History Facts
For nearly 1,000 years, Chinese women had their feet bound to keep them small. The toes were bent underneath, breaking all the bones, and the feet were kept tightly bandaged from childhood until death. The practice was banned in 1911.

12735. History Facts
Apart from the heart, an Egyptian mummy doesn't have any internal organs left inside the body.The others were removed and put into separate canopic jars that were buried with it.

12736. History Facts
British schools used to keep at least two types of standard cane for hitting naughty children. Children over 15 years of age could be hit with the senior cane, which was longer and thicker than that used on younger children.


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