Now you Know

545. Fact
The war between england and france, called "the hundred year war" went on between 1337 and 1453, which means that it actually lasted for 116 years!

546. Fact
Vincent van gogh and paul gauguin shared a studio for nine weeks. The two artists often had fights with each other and, during a mad moment, van gogh cut off a piece of his own left ear.

547. Fact
If you suffer from onomatophobia, you are enormously scared of hearing certain names or words.

548. Fact
Recycling is very popular in the movie industry. For example, the set from the axis chemical industry in batman were remains previously used in the classic movie alien. Rooftop scenery and buildings in the matrix were used a year earlier in dark city.

549. Fact
The longest escalator in the world can be found in st. Petersburg, russia - 729 steps bring the traveller more than 64.5 yards (193.5 feet) up or down.

550. Fact
Some plants in the mistletoe family employ an unusual method for spreading their seeds. When ready, the plant explodes and shoots its seeds off in all directions at a speed of 30 mph.

551. Fact
The abbreviation "eeg" stands for "electroencephalography"

552. Fact
Originally, quentin tarantino wrote mister pink's role in reservoir dogs for himself. In the end, steve buscemi played the part.

553. Fact
In france, walkie talkie is called talkie walkie and aids is called sida.

554. Fact
The red circle on the japanese flag symbolizes the rising sun.

555. Fact
Vincent van gogh created over 800 paintings and 700 sketches yet only succeded in selling one painting in his lifetime.

556. Fact
In 1970, soviet scientists tried to train cats to control robots. The attempt failed.

557. Fact
In the usa, 13 people die every year from vending machines falling on them.

558. Fact
An elephant's brain is five times larger than a human brain.

559. Fact
Egyptian mummies were not originally embalmed. They were laid out on the hot desert sand to dry without rotting.

560. Fact
Whales can have lice.

561. Fact
Petroleum is colorless. Red dye is added so that it is not confused with other fuels.

562. Fact
The first massage device was invented in 1869 and powered by steam.

563. Fact
Peanuts are not true nuts but are a member of a family of legumes related to peas, lentils, chickpeas and other beans.

564. Fact
The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams was first released as a radio series, then a book.


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Element : lanthanum
Symbol : la
Atomic no. : 57
Melting Point (deg c) : 918
Boiling Point (deg c) : 3464
Discoverer : mosander (1839)      .. More >>
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