
Word Search :

1.having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value affluent n.
1.an affluent person
2.a branch that flows into the main stream

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Word of the Day

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  • affluence
  • afflictive
  • affliction
  • afflicted
  • afflict
  • afflatus
  • affixial
  • affixed
  • affixation
  • affixal
  • afford
  • affordable
  • afforest
  • afforestation
  • affranchise
  • affray
  • affricate
  • affricate consonant
  • affrication
  • affricative
  • book of exodus
  • unparalleled
  • common axe
  • petrol
  • rhagades
  • stoop
  • iris kaempferi
  • buckbean family
  • elm family
  • coriandrum sativum

  • Idiom of the Day

    lover's lane
    a hidden road or walkway where lovers walk or park their cars in the evening
    After the movie we drove to the local lover`s lane.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    My sister is (in serious trouble) with her job.

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