
Word Search :

1.someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)

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Word of the Day

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  • amanita verna
  • amanita rubescens
  • amanita phalloides
  • amanita muscaria
  • amanita mappa
  • amanita caesarea
  • amanita
  • amandine aurore lucie dupin
  • amalgamator
  • amalgamative
  • amaranth
  • amaranth family
  • amaranthaceae
  • amaranthine
  • amaranthus
  • amaranthus albus
  • amaranthus caudatus
  • amaranthus cruentus
  • amaranthus graecizans
  • amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys
  • genus haemopis
  • blaeberry
  • platycladus orientalis
  • texas snowbells
  • degenerative joint disease
  • alaskan brown bear
  • dithered colour
  • cyathea medullaris
  • capelin
  • isocarboxazid

  • Idiom of the Day

    pot calling the kettle black
    a person who is criticizing someone else may be as guilty as the person who he or she criticizes
    It was like the pot calling the kettle black when the woman who is always late for work criticized her coworker for also being late.

    S1: The Egyptian tomb was not only a resting place for the mummy but also a house for the dead man's spirit or double-his Ka.
    S6: Friends and relatives had to keep bringing it things and doing things for it all the time.

    P: In that sense, it was quite human and didn't relish being forgotten.
    Q: It ate there and drank there, and there it had all its earthly wants supplied
    R: The Ka passed much of its life in the tomb.
    S: It did there the things the dead man had done in life.

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