
Word Search :

1.type genus of the Amiidae

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Word of the Day

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  • amharic
  • amhara
  • amex
  • ametropic
  • ametropia
  • ametria
  • amethystine python
  • amethystine
  • amethyst
  • amethopterin
  • amia calva
  • amiability
  • amiable
  • amiableness
  • amiably
  • amianthum
  • amianthum muscaetoxicum
  • amianthum muscitoxicum
  • amicability
  • amicable
  • tsuris
  • beef up
  • pyx chest
  • canary creeper
  • plataea
  • blue stone
  • glucagon
  • lens culinaris
  • genus certhia
  • space vehicle

  • Idiom of the Day

    make a clean breast of (something)
    to confess something bad that you have done in order not to feel guilty or bad
    The woman made a clean breast of things and tried to start over.

    His grandmother (a) / has taught him (b) / to pray God daily. (c) / No error (d)

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