
Word Search :
ankylosing spondylitis

1.a chronic form of spondylitis primarily in males and marked by impaired mobility of the spine

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Word of the Day

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  • ankylose
  • ankylosaurus
  • ankylosaur
  • ankyloglossia
  • anklets
  • anklet
  • anklebone
  • ankle-deep
  • ankle joint
  • ankle bracelet
  • ankylosis
  • ankylotic
  • anlage
  • ann arbor
  • anna
  • anna amalia mercouri
  • anna eleanor roosevelt
  • anna howard shaw
  • anna pavlova
  • annaba
  • henry morgan
  • eleocharis acicularis
  • financial condition
  • analyst
  • hastiness
  • family lepadidae
  • endplate
  • asynchronism
  • pomme blanche
  • radiance

  • Idiom of the Day

    make the scene
    to be present, to go to a certain place or event
    We decided to make the scene and go to the club for the evening.

    Having attended the office procedures course all employees were expected to ________ what they had learned and introduce it into their daily routine.

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    Lee De Forest, the inventor of the radio tube, was tried for fraud in 1913. He was accused of tricking the public into buying stocks in his company, the Radio Telephone Company, by making absurd and deliberately misleading claims about the possibility of transmitting the human voice across the Atlantic Ocean.      .. More >>
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