
Word Search :
artist's model

1.a person who poses for a painter or sculptor

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Word of the Day

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  • artist's loft
  • artist
  • artisan's lien
  • artisan
  • artiodactylous
  • artiodactyla
  • artiodactyl mammal
  • artiodactyl
  • artilleryman
  • artillery unit
  • artist's workroom
  • artiste
  • artistic
  • artistic creation
  • artistic movement
  • artistic production
  • artistic style
  • artistically
  • artistry
  • artium baccalaurens
  • cosmographist
  • beta-adrenergic receptor
  • kymograph
  • aerogram
  • bartender
  • sulfamethazine
  • cd burner
  • geometry
  • common bean
  • ongoing

  • Idiom of the Day

    keep up appearances
    to keep an outward show of prosperity or good behavior
    The man is trying to keep up appearances even though he has lost his job.

    I'm overdrawn again- my account's in the ________

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