
Word Search :

1.a stay that supports the back of something

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Word of the Day

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  • backstairs
  • backstair
  • backstage
  • backspin
  • backspacer
  • backspace key
  • backspace character
  • backspace
  • backsliding
  • backslider
  • backstitch
  • backstop
  • backstroke
  • backstroker
  • backswept
  • backswimmer
  • backsword
  • backtalk
  • backtrack
  • backup
  • unsteady
  • rock crab
  • genus culcita
  • lammas
  • sedum rosea
  • family lythraceae
  • cerecloth
  • megestrol acetate
  • genus erigeron
  • tangram

  • Idiom of the Day

    send (something) C.O.D.
    to send merchandise to someone who will pay for it when it is delivered
    The company sent the computer printer C.O.D.

    (P) environmental and psychological stress and strain
    (Q) He said that
    (R)the development of positive attitudes to cope with
    (S) what the world needed today was

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