
Word Search :
battle of ivry

1.a battle (1590) in which the Huguenots under Henry IV defeated the Catholics under the duke of Mayenne

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Word of the Day

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  • battle of issus
  • battle of ipsus
  • battle of hohenlinden
  • battle of hastings
  • battle of guadalcanal
  • battle of granicus river
  • battle of gettysburg
  • battle of fredericksburg
  • battle of fontenoy
  • battle of flodden field
  • battle of jena
  • battle of jutland
  • battle of kerbala
  • battle of lake trasimenus
  • battle of langside
  • battle of lepanto
  • battle of leuctra
  • battle of little bighorn
  • battle of lule burgas
  • battle of lutzen
  • ficus
  • hindsight
  • garden huckleberry
  • gene kelly
  • graecophile
  • millikan
  • martini
  • neurotic depression
  • whippy
  • apheresis

  • Idiom of the Day

    get cold feet
    to become afraid and hesitant about something at the last minute
    The student got cold feet and cancelled his plans to go to China.

    The parcel was delivered ________ hand.

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