
Word Search :
beer keg

1.a barrel that holds beer

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Word of the Day

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  • beer hall
  • beer glass
  • beer garden
  • beer drinker
  • beer can
  • beer bottle
  • beer barrel
  • beer
  • beeper
  • beep
  • beer maker
  • beer mat
  • beer mug
  • beerbohm
  • beery
  • beeswax
  • beet
  • beet armyworm
  • beet blight
  • beet green
  • chili dog
  • arishth
  • mixture
  • ballet master
  • tabasco sauce
  • incubator
  • thermopsis macrophylla
  • premonition
  • tettigoniidae
  • bluff

  • Idiom of the Day

    beat (someone) to the punch
    to do something before others do it
    My friend beat me to the punch and arrived at the interview first.

    ________ you do much sightseeing when you were on vacation in Madrid?

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