
Word Search :
blood glucose

1.glucose in the bloodstream

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Word of the Day

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  • blood fluke
  • blood flower
  • blood feud
  • blood extravasation
  • blood dyscrasia
  • blood donor
  • blood disorder
  • blood disease
  • blood cyst
  • blood cup
  • blood group
  • blood heat
  • blood kinship
  • blood knot
  • blood lily
  • blood line
  • blood meal
  • blood money
  • blood plasma
  • blood platelet
  • boughten
  • family nautilidae
  • beta globulin
  • psittacula krameri
  • myroxylon
  • uninvolved
  • forbidding
  • lanoxin
  • brith
  • safe and sound

  • Idiom of the Day

    wait on (someone) hand and foot
    to serve someone in every possible way, to do everything for someone
    The man always waits on his wife hand and foot.

    S1: Of the scholars who compose a university, some may be expected to devote an unbroken leisure to learning, their fellows having the advantage of their knowledge from their conversation, and the world perhaps from their writings.
    S6: There classes of persons, then, go to compose a university as we know it - the scholar, the scholar who is also a teacher, and those who come to be taught, the undergraduate.

    P: Others, however, will engage themselves to teach as well as to learn.
    Q: Those who come to be taught at a university have to provide evidence that they are not merely beginners and not only do they have displayed before them the learning of their teachers, but they are offered a curriculum of study, to be followed by a test and the award of a degree.
    R: But here again, it is the special manner of the pedagogic enterprise which distinguishes a university.
    S: A place of learning without this could . scarcely be called a university.

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