
Word Search :
buffalo bill's wild west show

1.a spectacular show organized in 1883 by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale

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Word of the Day

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  • buffalo bill cody
  • buffalo bill
  • buffalo
  • buff
  • buenos aires
  • buena vista
  • budorcas taxicolor
  • budorcas
  • budgie
  • budgetary
  • buffalo bur
  • buffalo carpet beetle
  • buffalo chip
  • buffalo clover
  • buffalo fish
  • buffalo gnat
  • buffalo gourd
  • buffalo grass
  • buffalo indian
  • buffalo nut
  • caliche
  • gamelan
  • tubercle
  • counterbalanced
  • quill pen
  • without end
  • uraemia
  • lexical
  • switch off
  • red-ink

  • Idiom of the Day

    wash one's hands of (someone or something)
    to abandon someone or something, to refuse responsibility for someone or something
    The manager washed his hands of the problem after the others refused to deal with it.


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