
Word Search :

1.full of energetic and noisy activity

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Word of the Day

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  • bustle about
  • bustle
  • buster keaton
  • buster
  • busted
  • bustard quail
  • bustard
  • bust-up takeover
  • bust-up
  • bust up
  • busty
  • busy
  • busy bee
  • busybodied
  • busybody
  • busyness
  • busywork
  • but
  • but then
  • butacaine
  • fanatic
  • subsist
  • rationalise away
  • molindone
  • ghanian monetary unit
  • sir john douglas cockcroft
  • big sur
  • hex nut
  • acetylise
  • piquantly

  • Idiom of the Day

    off one's back
    not bothering someone
    I wish that my father would get off my back and stop asking me when I am going to look for a job.

    S1: This year many States have been badly affected by the drought situation prevailing in the country.
    S6: Either way, it seems the lot of the Indian farmer to be at the mercy of the elements.

    P: No better is the situation elsewhere, where floods have ravaged the standing crop.
    Q: Though some have been less affected, even these are facing an uphill task in managing the situation.
    R: Especially pitiable is the plight of the poor farmer who cannot offord a tubewell to irrigate his land.
    S: Here the predicament is more equitable, for everybody's land is similarly submerged under ten feet of water.

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