
Word Search :

1.colorless pungent crystalline compound derived from capsicum

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Word of the Day

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  • caprylic acid
  • capros aper
  • capros
  • capromyidae
  • caproidae
  • caproic acid
  • capriole
  • caprine animal
  • caprine
  • caprimulgus vociferus
  • capsella
  • capsella bursa-pastoris
  • capsicum
  • capsicum annuum cerasiforme
  • capsicum annuum conoides
  • capsicum annuum grossum
  • capsicum annuum longum
  • capsicum baccatum
  • capsicum frutescens
  • capsicum frutescens baccatum
  • inexactly
  • purging
  • shintoistic
  • misdemeanor
  • edacity
  • elaeostearic acid
  • trench coat
  • o. henry
  • philomachus
  • large poodle

  • Idiom of the Day

    throw oneself at/on the mercy of the court
    to plead for mercy from a judge in a courtroom
    The man who robbed the bank decided to throw himself at the mercy of the court.

    The Deputy Manager ...... to resign because all his proposals were ...... down by his superiors.

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