
Word Search :
christian scientist

1.a member of the Protestant church founded in the United States by Mary Baker Eddy

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Word of the Day

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  • christian science
  • christian schonbein
  • christian religion
  • christian name
  • christian liturgy
  • christian johann doppler
  • christian huygens
  • christian holy day
  • christian friedrich schonbein
  • christian friedrich hebbel
  • christian theology
  • christian year
  • christiania
  • christianisation
  • christianise
  • christianity
  • christianization
  • christianize
  • christianly
  • christie
  • balloting
  • state's evidence
  • february 14
  • microstrobos niphophilus
  • expansile
  • embarrassing
  • defrayment
  • purchasing
  • c clef
  • unaffectedness

  • Idiom of the Day

    go after (someone)
    to try to catch someone
    The police decided to go after the speeding cars near the school.

    You ________ better hurry.

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