
Word Search :

1.a linear unit of the size of type slightly larger than an em
2.a Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC)

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Word of the Day

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  • cicer arietinum
  • cicer
  • cicatrize
  • cicatrix
  • cicatrise
  • cicatrice
  • cicala
  • cicadidae
  • cicadellidae
  • cicada killer
  • cicerone
  • cichlid
  • cichlid fish
  • cichlidae
  • cichorium
  • cichorium endivia
  • cichorium intybus
  • cicily isabel fairfield
  • cicindelidae
  • ciconia
  • color
  • carbon copy
  • hermissenda crassicornis
  • garcinia mangostana
  • genus solanum
  • semidesert
  • spotlessly
  • genus nymphaea
  • hypochondrium
  • tm

  • Idiom of the Day

    out of one's element
    in a situation where one does not belong or fit in
    The teacher is out of his element teaching the computer course. He does not know anything about computers.

    I wish it ________ time to go home

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