
Word Search :
ciliary artery

1.one of several arteries supplying the choroid coat of the eye

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Word of the Day

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  • ciliary
  • cilial
  • cilantro
  • cigarillo
  • cigarfish
  • cigarette smoker
  • cigarette paper
  • cigarette lighter
  • cigarette holder
  • cigarette case
  • ciliary body
  • ciliary veins
  • ciliata
  • ciliate
  • ciliated
  • ciliated protozoan
  • cilioflagellata
  • ciliophora
  • ciliophoran
  • cilium
  • unitarianism
  • gula
  • symmetrical
  • conically
  • snugly
  • circumferential
  • substantival
  • arabia
  • plecotus townsendi
  • carya glabra

  • Idiom of the Day

    rotten to the core
    to be completely no good and worthless
    The local government was rotten to the core and everyone was happy when they were voted out of office.

    The government has been drawn ________ the scandal.

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