
Word Search :

1.resembling or containing clay
2.(used of soil) compact and fine-grained

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Word of the Day

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  • clay-colored robin
  • clay sculpture
  • clay pipe
  • clay pigeon
  • clay
  • claxon
  • clawlike
  • clawhammer
  • clawfoot
  • clawed
  • claymore
  • claymore mine
  • claystone
  • claytonia
  • claytonia caroliniana
  • claytonia virginica
  • clayware
  • clean
  • clean and jerk
  • clean bill of health
  • jackstraws
  • bladder fern
  • criminalise
  • mexican black cherry
  • injectant
  • bed-ground
  • municipal bond
  • set free
  • self-discipline
  • gabled

  • Idiom of the Day

    pop the question
    to ask someone to marry you
    The man finally popped the question to his girlfriend after they had been dating for two years.

    In order to ________ the rising demand for petroleum products, the government is planning to impose additional taxes on highend cars.

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