
Word Search :
coal tongs

1.tongs for taking hold of burning coals

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Word of the Day

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  • coal tar
  • coal shovel
  • coal seam
  • coal scuttle
  • coal oil
  • coal miner's lung
  • coal miner
  • coal mine
  • coal industry
  • coal house
  • coal-black
  • coal-tar creosote
  • coalbin
  • coalesce
  • coalesced
  • coalescence
  • coalescency
  • coalface
  • coalfield
  • coalhole
  • tallahassee
  • mentzelia lindleyi
  • small hours
  • aperient
  • holocentridae
  • windburnt
  • limpopo
  • intellectual property
  • installment plan
  • kamchatkan sea eagle

  • Idiom of the Day

    eagle eye
    an eye with sharp visual powers
    The woman watched her young child with an eagle eye.

    I ________ that he had had his hair cut during the lunch break.

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