1.move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
2.reach a destination
3.come to pass
4.reach a state, relation, or condition
5.to be the product or result
6.enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position
7.be found or available
8.come forth
9.be a native of 10.extend or reach 11.exist or occur in a certain point in a series 12.come from 13.cover a certain distance 14.come under, be classified or included 15.happen as a result 16.add up in number or quantity 17.develop into 18.be received 19.come to one's mind 20.proceed or get along 21.experience orgasm 22.have a certain priority
Idiom of the Day
but for (someone or something)
if it were not for someone or something
The man would have easily got the new job, but for the fact that he was not honest about his previous experience.