
Word Search :

1.without stop or interruption

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Word of the Day

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  • continue
  • continuation
  • continuant consonant
  • continuant
  • continuance
  • continually
  • continual
  • contingent probability
  • contingent on
  • contingent
  • continued fraction
  • continuing
  • continuing trespass
  • continuity
  • continuity army council
  • continuity irish republican army
  • continuo
  • continuous
  • continuous receiver watch
  • continuous tense
  • capital of mississippi
  • spectrum
  • implements of war
  • saint bridget
  • tube
  • gi tract
  • air-to-surface
  • polygala paucifolia
  • fibrocalcific
  • ague

  • Idiom of the Day

    give (something) one's best shot
    to try very hard
    I plan to give the new job my best shot.

    He was found guilty of rape and put ________ for life

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