
Word Search :

1.very opposed in nature or character or purpose
2.of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false
3.resistant to guidance or discipline
4.in an opposing direction contrary n.
1.a relation of direct opposition
2.exact opposition
3.two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false

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Word of the Day

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  • contrariwise
  • contrarious
  • contrariness
  • contrarily
  • contrariety
  • contrarian
  • contrapuntist
  • contrapuntal
  • contraption
  • contralto
  • contrary to fact
  • contrast
  • contrast material
  • contrast medium
  • contrasting
  • contrastingly
  • contrastive
  • contrasty
  • contravene
  • contravention
  • brass monkey
  • red clover
  • calumny
  • gumshield
  • carbon tet
  • parterre
  • areca nut
  • family typhlopidae
  • forty-nine
  • arctic ocean

  • Idiom of the Day

    out of a clear blue sky
    suddenly, without warning
    The orders from our boss came out of a clear blue sky and everybody was surprised.

    ________ I saw her yesterday, she was on her way home.

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