
Word Search :
coronary-artery disease

1.sclerosis of the arterial walls

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Word of the Day

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  • coronary thrombosis
  • coronary sinus
  • coronary occlusion
  • coronary insufficiency
  • coronary failure
  • coronary care unit
  • coronary bypass surgery
  • coronary bypass
  • coronary artery disease
  • coronary artery bypass graft
  • coronate
  • coronation
  • coroner
  • coronet
  • coroneted
  • coronilla
  • coronilla varia
  • coronion
  • coronoid process
  • coronoid process of the mandible
  • grebe
  • bechamel
  • crocus sativus
  • erb-duchenne paralysis
  • heterophil antibody
  • german monetary unit
  • germander
  • messianic
  • edward jenner
  • unrotted

  • Idiom of the Day

    on the fritz
    not operating properly
    My television set is on the fritz and I may have to buy a new one.

    ________ anything good on TV tonight?

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