
Word Search :

1.a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle

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Word of the Day

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  • crosswise
  • crosswind
  • crossways
  • crossway
  • crosswalk
  • crosstown
  • crosstie
  • crosstalk
  • crossruff
  • crossroads
  • crossword puzzle
  • crotal
  • crotalaria
  • crotalaria sagitallis
  • crotalaria spectabilis
  • crotalidae
  • crotalus
  • crotalus adamanteus
  • crotalus atrox
  • crotalus cerastes
  • native american
  • row of bricks
  • pain pill
  • snake feeder
  • tonic epilepsy
  • family troglodytidae
  • neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • figurine
  • crossover
  • vague

  • Idiom of the Day

    pay (someone) a back-handed compliment
    to give someone a false compliment that is really an insult
    The woman paid her colleague a back-handed compliment when she told her what a good job she was doing.

    S1: The real cause for the rise and fall of the sea level was not known to men for a long time.
    S6: So they concluded that the Moon and the tide are connected in some way.

    P: They found out that the Moon is a satellite and it travels a regular path around the Earth. I
    Q: As time passed and knowledge increased, men began to learn more about the heaven and the stars and the planets.
    R: They noticed that the Moon rose each day about an hour later than it rose the day defore and the peak of the high tide also comes about an hour later each day.
    S: Some imagined that the Earth itself was Alive and the rising and falling of the tide was caused by the breathing of the Earth's big body.

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