
Word Search :

1.raised muffin cooked on a griddle

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Word of the Day

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  • crump
  • crummy
  • crumhorn
  • crumbly
  • crumbliness
  • crumbled
  • crumble
  • crumb cake
  • crumb
  • cruller
  • crumple
  • crumpled
  • crunch
  • crunched
  • crunchy
  • crupper
  • crural
  • crus
  • crusade
  • crusader
  • attention
  • preform
  • east indian fig tree
  • splasher
  • safety hat
  • elegize
  • maxi
  • deprived of
  • frog's lettuce
  • asshole

  • Idiom of the Day

    keep out of (somewhere) or keep (someone or something) out of (somewhere)
    to not enter somewhere, to not allow someone or something to enter somewhere
    The dog had to keep out of the garden. The woman tried to keep her child out of the swimming pool.

    My friend likes ________ work on extra projects.

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