
Word Search :

1.a genus of Dactylopteridae

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Word of the Day

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  • dactylopteridae
  • dactylopius coccus
  • dactylopius
  • dactylopiidae
  • dactylomegaly
  • dactyloctenium aegypticum
  • dactyloctenium
  • dactylis glomerata
  • dactylis
  • dactylic
  • dactylorhiza
  • dactylorhiza fuchsii
  • dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii
  • dactyloscopidae
  • dad
  • dada
  • dadaism
  • daddy
  • daddy longlegs
  • dado
  • fits and starts
  • fictionalisation
  • murrumbidgee
  • bagasse
  • pushful
  • majorana
  • manatee
  • genus sporobolus
  • retroactively
  • snatch up

  • Idiom of the Day

    bore (someone) stiff
    to bore someone very much
    Most of the guests at the wedding were bored stiff with the long speeches.

    S1: Forecasting the weather has always been a difficult business.
    S6: He made his forecasts by watching flights of the birds or the way smoke rose from fire.

    P: During a period of drought, streams and rivers dried up, the cattle died from thirst and the crops were ruined.
    Q: Many different things affect the weather and we have to study them carefully to make an accurate forecast.
    R: Ancient Egyptians had no need of this- weather in the Nile valley hardly ever changes.
    S: In early times, when there were no instruments, such as thermometer or the barometer, man looked for tell-tale signs in the sky.

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