
Word Search :

1.a game in which darts are thrown at a dartboard

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Word of the Day

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  • dartmouth college
  • dartmouth
  • darter
  • dartboard
  • dart thrower
  • dart player
  • dart board
  • dart
  • darsana
  • darryl zanuck
  • darvon
  • darwin
  • darwin tulip
  • darwinian
  • darwinism
  • das
  • das kapital
  • dash
  • dash down
  • dash off
  • ch'ing dynasty
  • hut
  • unsheathe
  • denver
  • theologize
  • coaling station
  • paradise
  • panel truck
  • keyboard buffer
  • acceptor rna

  • Idiom of the Day

    force (someone's) hand
    to make someone do something sooner than planned
    I forced the manager's hand and made him tell me about his plans for our company.

    It's time ________ take lunch.

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