
Word Search :

1.lower the rated electrical capability of electrical apparatus

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Word of the Day

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  • derangement
  • deranged
  • derange
  • derain
  • derailment
  • derail
  • deracination
  • deracinate
  • der fuhrer
  • deputy sheriff
  • derby
  • derecognise
  • derecognize
  • deregulate
  • deregulating
  • deregulation
  • derelict
  • dereliction
  • derequisition
  • derestrict
  • rescission
  • pasteur
  • questioningly
  • japanese lacquer tree
  • sheep sorrel
  • draw off
  • profoundness
  • chiffon cake
  • falco sparverius
  • ravel out

  • Idiom of the Day

    roll up one's sleeves
    to prepare to work hard or seriously at something
    Everybody in our club rolled up their sleeves to help prepare for the party.

    Johnny’s good behavior in class yesterday was ________ by his disruptive outbursts in Math this morning.

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