
Word Search :

1.a depression in an otherwise level surface
2.(physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
3.a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
4.tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
5.a brief immersion
6.a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
7.a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
8.a brief swim in water
9.a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms dip v.
1.immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
2.dip into a liquid while eating
3.go down momentarily
4.stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
5.switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
6.lower briefly
7.appear to move downward
8.slope downwards
9.dip into a liquid 10.of candles 11.immerse in a disinfectant solution 12.scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface

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Word of the Day

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  • dioxin
  • dioxide
  • diospyros virginiana
  • diospyros lotus
  • diospyros kurzii
  • diospyros kaki
  • diospyros ebenum
  • diospyros
  • dioscoreaceae
  • dioscorea trifida
  • dip circle
  • dip into
  • dip solder
  • dip switch
  • diphenhydramine
  • diphenylbutyl piperidine
  • diphenylhydantoin
  • diphtheria
  • diphthong
  • diphthongise
  • attica
  • upstager
  • natural virtue
  • fire ship
  • shaaban
  • family cichlidae
  • conceptualism
  • oophorosalpingectomy
  • on air
  • laughing owl

  • Idiom of the Day

    pour out
    to come out in great number or quantity, to stream out of a place
    After the football game, thousands of fans poured out of the stadium.

    Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
    If you go to the business dinner you will be able to (do two things). You can enjoy the meal and you can discuss business.

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