
Word Search :
dispersing medium

1.(of colloids) a substance in which another is colloidally dispersed

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Word of the Day

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  • dispersed phase
  • dispersed particles
  • dispersed
  • disperse
  • dispersal
  • dispenser
  • dispensed
  • dispense with
  • dispense
  • dispensation
  • dispersing phase
  • dispersion
  • dispersion medium
  • dispersive
  • dispirit
  • dispirited
  • dispiritedly
  • dispiritedness
  • dispiriting
  • displace
  • dioecious
  • atomisation
  • nilo-saharan language
  • fading away
  • equilibrium law
  • lacewood
  • trillium family
  • genus diceros
  • ad val
  • unceremonious

  • Idiom of the Day

    muscle in on (someone or something)
    to forcefully try to discipline someone or take over someone's property or business
    The large supermarket was trying to muscle in on the business of the small shops.

    Pick the correct Antonym:

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