
Word Search :
dry-bulb thermometer

1.an ordinary thermometer with a dry bulb

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Word of the Day

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  • dry wash
  • dry walling
  • dry wall
  • dry vermouth
  • dry up
  • dry unit
  • dry socket
  • dry season
  • dry run
  • dry rot
  • dry-cleaned
  • dry-dock
  • dry-eyed
  • dry-gulching
  • dry-nurse
  • dry-rot
  • dry-shod
  • dry-stone wall
  • dryad
  • dryadella
  • lead colic
  • pyramidal bone
  • magnoliopsid
  • opisthocomus hoazin
  • strained
  • genus pomacentrus
  • bermudian rig
  • post-office box
  • ampule
  • cairned

  • Idiom of the Day

    set (someone or something) straight
    to explain something to someone
    The police officer set the woman straight about the driving laws.

    It is dishonest to ________.

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