
Word Search :

1.a leukocyte readily stained with eosin

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Word of the Day

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  • eosinophil
  • eosinopenia
  • eosin
  • eos
  • eoraptor
  • eonian
  • eon
  • eolotropic
  • eolithic age
  • eolithic
  • eosinophilia
  • eosinophilic
  • epa
  • epacridaceae
  • epacris
  • epacris family
  • epacris impressa
  • epacris obtusifolia
  • epacris purpurascens
  • epanalepsis
  • hypothesise
  • knife fight
  • old line state
  • zealander
  • hebbel
  • dotterel
  • sir william gerald golding
  • ground fir
  • stephen sondheim
  • mountain birch

  • Idiom of the Day

    let (something) ride
    to continue a situation without changing it
    We should forget about the recent problems at work and let the matter ride.

    S1: Films developed from the silent stage to the talkie stage with a tremendous mass appeal.
    S6: Extolling the virtues of bravery and making patriotic films was the order of the day.

    P: Film makeirs of those days used film media to portray our struggle for freedom.
    Q: The thirties and forties were decades of tremendous social, political and cultural upheavals.
    R: That is what 'Alarn Ara' did to the delirious delight of the audience and thus triggered off a revolution.
    S: In the turbulent thirties, the silent Indian films began to talk, sing and dance.

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