
Word Search :

1.king of Saudi Arabia since 1982 (born in 1922)

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Word of the Day

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  • fagus sylvatica purpurea
  • fagus sylvatica pendula
  • fagus sylvatica atropunicea
  • fagus sylvatica
  • fagus purpurea
  • fagus pendula
  • fagus grandifolia
  • fagus americana
  • fagus
  • fagopyrum esculentum
  • fahd ibn abdel aziz al-saud
  • fahrenheit
  • fahrenheit scale
  • fahrenheit thermometer
  • faience
  • fail
  • fail-safe
  • failed
  • failing
  • faille
  • unmalleability
  • conspicuous
  • foster family
  • bismuth
  • pleasant island
  • nembutal
  • air-slake
  • superconducting supercollider
  • terrestrial planet
  • picknicker

  • Idiom of the Day

    strike a happy medium
    to find a compromise position
    The manager always tries to strike a happy medium between being professional and being friendly to the staff.

    Only when ...... failed, the police resorted to ......

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