
Word Search :
family plasmodiidae

1.malaria parasites

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Word of the Day

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  • family plantaginaceae
  • family planning
  • family pittidae
  • family pipridae
  • family pipidae
  • family piperaceae
  • family pinnotheridae
  • family pinaceae
  • family pieridae
  • family picidae
  • family plasmodiophoraceae
  • family plataleidae
  • family platanaceae
  • family platanistidae
  • family platycephalidae
  • family plethodontidae
  • family pleurobrachiidae
  • family pleuronectidae
  • family ploceidae
  • family plumbaginaceae
  • genus kennedia
  • inhumation
  • nero claudius caesar drusus germanicus
  • eurypterid
  • bulging
  • klebs-loeffler bacillus
  • thermobaric bomb
  • sam snead
  • black margate
  • mazy

  • Idiom of the Day

    take in (something) or take (something) in
    to go and see or visit something
    We decided to take in a movie last night.

    That programme is so boring that it's like watching paint ________ .

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