
Word Search :
fish eagle

1.large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years

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Word of the Day

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  • fish duck
  • fish doctor
  • fish chowder
  • fish cake
  • fish bowl
  • fish ball
  • fish and chips
  • fish
  • fischer's slime mushroom
  • fischer
  • fish family
  • fish farm
  • fish filet
  • fish fillet
  • fish finger
  • fish fly
  • fish fry
  • fish fuddle
  • fish genus
  • fish geranium
  • native orange
  • martin luther king jr's birthday
  • thyroiditis
  • callirhoe digitata
  • stillbirth
  • genus katsuwonus
  • growth hormone-releasing factor
  • methodical
  • case-to-infection ratio
  • self-aggrandisement

  • Idiom of the Day

    batten down the hatches
    to prepare for difficult times, to close the hatches in a boat before a storm
    A big storm was coming so we decided to batten down the hatches and stay home.

    I am eager for her to receive an education that will ________ her for a career in business.

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