
Word Search :
floccose chanterelle

1.a mildly poisonous fungus with a fruiting body shaped like a hollow trumpet

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Word of the Day

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  • floccose
  • floc
  • floaty
  • floatplane
  • floating-point representation system
  • floating-point operation
  • floating-point number
  • floating-point notation
  • floating-moss
  • floating voter
  • flocculate
  • flocculation
  • floccule
  • flocculent
  • flock
  • flodden
  • flodden field
  • floe
  • flog
  • flogger
  • industrial
  • aix
  • adsorbed
  • national security agency
  • inhuman treatment
  • tear apart
  • nasalis larvatus
  • gomphotheriidae
  • family ascaridae
  • despite

  • Idiom of the Day

    put on a brave face
    to try to appear happy when faced with a bad situation
    My friend put on a brave face even though he had lost his job.

    You slow a car with the ________

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