
Word Search :

1.examination of body structures using a fluoroscope

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Word of the Day

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  • fluoroscope
  • fluoroform
  • fluorochrome
  • fluorocarbon plastic
  • fluorocarbon
  • fluoroboride
  • fluoroboric acid
  • fluorite
  • fluorine
  • fluoridize
  • fluorosis
  • fluorouracil
  • fluorspar
  • fluosilicate
  • fluosilicic acid
  • fluoxetine
  • fluphenazine
  • flurazepam
  • flurazepam hydrochloride
  • flurbiprofen
  • snakehead
  • chantlike
  • woolworth
  • lunaria annua
  • recommencement
  • marriage contract
  • field speedwell
  • banana passion fruit
  • anesthetized
  • spirometer

  • Idiom of the Day

    hold back (someone) or hold (someone) back
    to prevent someone from doing something
    The police officers tried to hold back the angry woman.

    S1: Gandhiji had a vast amount of daily business to transact.
    S6: His practite on this point is something that is characteristic of the Indian tradition.

    P: Yet Gandhiji was never too busy to withdraw temporarily from business affairs for recurrent periods of contemplation.
    Q: Under present day conditions, that is the fate of any leader of any great movement.
    R: In setting apart those times for contemplation Gandhiji was being true, not only to himself, but to India.
    S: If he had not made this his practice, he would not, I suppose, have been able to go on doing his business, because his spells of contemplation were the source of his inexhaustible strength.

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