
Word Search :
fucoid algae

1.any of various algae of the family Fucaceae

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Word of the Day

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  • fucoid
  • fuckup
  • fuckhead
  • fucked-up
  • fuck up
  • fuck all
  • fuchsia excorticata
  • fuchsia coccinea
  • fuchsia
  • fuchs
  • fucus
  • fucus serratus
  • fucus vesiculosus
  • fuddle
  • fuddled
  • fuddy-duddy
  • fudge
  • fudge factor
  • fudge sauce
  • fudge together
  • grosgrain
  • collection
  • glider
  • deanship
  • european sole
  • profit taker
  • siberian millet
  • coronation
  • book of leviticus
  • aldehyde group

  • Idiom of the Day

    beg to differ with (someone)
    to politely disagree with someone
    "I'm sorry, but I beg to differ with you about what happened."

    A high level meeting (a) / of officials is reporting (b) / to have discussed (c) / the issue in great detail. (d) / No error (e)

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