
Word Search :

1.the central body of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)

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Word of the Day

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  • fusel oil
  • fusee drive
  • fusee
  • fused
  • fuse
  • fuscous
  • fuscoboletinus serotinus
  • fuscoboletinus paluster
  • fuscoboletinus
  • fusarium wilt
  • fusible
  • fusible metal
  • fusiform
  • fusil
  • fusilier
  • fusillade
  • fusion
  • fusion bomb
  • fusion cooking
  • fusion reactor
  • liquefied petroleum gas
  • common nuisance
  • disparager
  • assassin bug
  • local anesthesia
  • stiff-necked
  • small calorie
  • denumerable
  • building supply house
  • picea rubens

  • Idiom of the Day

    drag on
    to pass very slowly, to make something longer
    The speech was dragging on so we decided to leave early.

    They had a huge argument and she packed him ___ and wouldn't speak to him again.

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