
Word Search :

1.erect annual European herbs

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Word of the Day

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  • galeocerdo cuvieri
  • galeocerdo
  • galena
  • galen
  • galega officinalis
  • galega
  • galea
  • gale
  • galbulus
  • galbulidae
  • galeopsis tetrahit
  • galeorhinus
  • galeorhinus zyopterus
  • galeras
  • galere
  • galicia
  • galician
  • galictis vittatus
  • galiella rufa
  • galilaean
  • forty-three
  • sago fern
  • advertisement
  • macleaya
  • science fiction
  • proxy fight
  • strip lighting
  • working memory
  • omani monetary unit
  • corporate investor

  • Idiom of the Day

    to be raised in a barn
    to behave crudely like a barnyard animal
    When the boy did not shut the door his mother asked him if he had been raised in a barn.

    In ________ to prevent any industrial espionage all employees had to sign a document preventing them from talking about their work.

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