Word Search :
genus aepyceros
1.African antelopes: impalas
Word of the Day
Daily English Quiz
General English Quiz is daily dose of question and answers to keep your language knowledge conversant.
genus aeonium
genus aegyptopithecus
genus aegypius
genus aegilops
genus aegiceras
genus aedes
genus adonis
genus adlumia
genus adiantum
genus adenota
English Test
English Test question and answers to keep your language knowledge up-to-date.
genus aepyornis
genus aerides
genus aerobacter
genus aeschynanthus
genus aesculus
genus aethionema
genus aethusa
genus aetobatus
genus aframomum
genus afrocarpus
English Grammar Test
English Grammar Test is an application to help you enhance your English expertise.
lymphatic tissue
arthur james balfour
henry cavendish
mutual affection
field spaniel
radio source
puffinus puffinus
Idiom of the Day
reach an agreement
to make an agreement
The city was not able to reach an agreement on where to build the new subway line.
Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
My friend is planning to go to Europe but I think that he is (becoming a little afraid) because he is going alone.
getting out of the way
getting a move on
getting cold feet
going to his head
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Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize : Physiology or Medicine
Year : 1989
Name : j. michael bishop
Country : united states.
Name : harold e. varmus
Country : united states.
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