
Word Search :
genus charadrius

1.type genus of the Charadriidae: plovers

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Word of the Day

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  • genus chara
  • genus chamaemelum
  • genus chamaeleon
  • genus chamaeleo
  • genus chamaedaphne
  • genus chamaecytisus
  • genus chamaecyparis
  • genus chamaecrista
  • genus chamaea
  • genus chalcostigma
  • genus charina
  • genus charronia
  • genus chateura
  • genus chauna
  • genus cheilanthes
  • genus cheiranthus
  • genus chelidonium
  • genus chelifer
  • genus chelone
  • genus chelonia
  • collinsia bicolor
  • gaddafi
  • lifelike
  • interchangeability
  • assyriology
  • sloanea
  • specifically
  • hypsiprymnodon
  • heart
  • sport kite

  • Idiom of the Day

    have a scrape with (someone or something)
    to come into contact with someone or something
    I had a scrape with my coworker and I must be very careful of what I say now.

    _ible or _able?

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